Come & Sing
for members
Events diary
Do You Sing?

We'd be pleased to talk to you about the benefits of joining the choir. If you have reasonable musical ability and can attend weekly Wednesday rehearsals we would look forward to welcoming you, particularly if you sing soprano or bass.

The Leicester Bach Choir has a current singing membership of approximately 55 and welcomes new singers for all parts. Entrance is by audition, although prospective singers are welcome to join in for a couple of weeks before auditioning. Rehearsals are held on Wednesday evenings from 7.30 to 9.30 in the large hall at the back of St James the Greater, which is on London Road but accessed via St James' Terrace. For further details, please contact our Secretary.

Current annual subscriptions are £160 which includes cost of music hire (applications for reductions under special circumstances may be made to the Treasurer in total confidence) with concessionary rates of £25 for members under 26 in full time educatoin. There is a pro-rata sub for those who join during the year. A number of Leicester Bach Choir Scholarships are available to singers of pre-graduate age. These provide free membership.












We have recently created a post of Friends Secretary.

"I am here to ensure that you get your tickets for all concerts, both the ones we arrange ourselves and others such as those organised by St James the Greater.

There have been changes in the Friends’ subscription recently, which means that you are now entitled to 25% off these tickets. If you are a patron, they are free.

I will also be your contact for Come and Sing. I can help you if you have questions for the committee and I am happy to help with any other issues you may have. I am also happy to be your contact when sending in your subscriptions.

Should you wish to join us the subscription for this year is as follows:-

Joint membership - £65, or £60 (concessions) - entitles you to 25% off tickets

Single membership - £40 or £35 (concessions) - entitles you to 25% off tickets

Please consider joining and do encourage your friends and family to take up this offer too.

If you would like to be a patron, this would involve a donation of a minimum of £100 pa and would be of great benefit to the choir. The benefit to you would be free reserved seating at each of our concerts, a free programme, an invitation to all choir events and your name in our programmes. If you would like to join us, please feel free to contact me for further information."

If you are interested in becoming a Friend, please contact Mary.

© LBC 2016 Registered Charity No 501890